Affiliate Terms

All affiliates earn 20% commission. This also includes subscription/recurring payments, and all future purchases of those that you refer to EWWW IO (lifetime commissions). You cannot receive a commission on your own payments, or for payments made before you registered to become an affiliate.


Payouts can be done via the Payouts system or Paypal. Note that Paypal payouts will incur a fee on the receiving end so we recommend signing up for the Payouts system in your Affiliate Settings. Payouts are done on (or near) the second Monday of every month for those who have a minimum of $50 in referrals.

Prohibited Activities

Affiliates may not engage in any fraudulent activity to generate sales, use traffic that is generated by pay to click, pay to read, banner exchanges, click exchanges, CPV advertising, pop-up/under, SPAM, purchased traffic or similar methods.

While it isn’t strictly unethical, including EWWW IO in a list of automated tools that will “make people rich” is not going to be helpful for anyone involved. If we see any sign of pyramid-style marketing tactics, your application will be denied.

Required Disclosure

Affiliates must disclose their affiliate status in relation to all promotions, according to FTC Endorsement Guides.

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