Over the last couple months, we’ve been hard at work on some internal projects to help make your life easier. The whole idea of EWWW IO started from trying to make my own life easier, so that’s been a recurring theme for us.
Image Watermarking
An oft-requested feature has been image watermarking. Whether it’s to protect your images from pirates, or to improve your branding, watermarking can be a useful tool… and we’ve finally done it!
One of the arguments against watermarking (and there are several) is that they are hard to maintain, but Easy IO helps to alleviate that pain point by making it simple to replace your watermark image. The new watermark will be automatically applied to all new images, and existing images will have it applied as they “fall out” of the CDN cache.
We don’t normally recommend purging the CDN cache due to the performance slow-down that will temporarily ensue. However, a cache purge on Easy IO is a quick way to have the new watermark instantly applied!
CDN Stats
While not as wildly popular as watermarking, a lot of folks have asked for more detailed Easy IO stats. You can now view stats on the number of requests, the origin response time, error rates, etc. from your Manage Sites page (just click on the bandwidth total for a given site).
For any of the charts with multiple metrics, you can also toggle which metrics are visible by clicking the labels above the chart. This is especially handy for isolating 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx on the error statistics chart.
In addition, we’ve made the Bandwidth and Site URL columns sort-able to help you find what you need a little bit quicker.
Create and Manage Sub-accounts
For those of you doing agency or client work, we have two updates. We originally created the ability to generate sub-keys for the Compress API service, and that worked great. However, sub-keys can now be used to activate & register Easy IO sites, and to activate the SWIS Performance plugin on a client site.
With Easy IO, once you enter the API sub-key in the EWWW IO settings, you can simply click the Easy IO activate button, and it will register the site using the sub-key. Of course, you can view all sites registered on your account, whether you did it directly, or via sub-key.
But what if you wanted to let clients see and manage their own sites?
Introducing Sub-accounts!
We have documentation on how to use the Admin API and build your own interfaces/portal, but now we’ve done one better. All sub-keys can be linked to an email for a client or co-worker, so that they can have their own key/login and manage their sites, usage, and even download SWIS Performance (on Unlimited accounts).
Alternatively, if you have someone (or you are that someone) that takes care of purchasing/billing, but you want someone else to take care of the day to day work, you can fully delegate your primary license/key to their email. With a “manager” role, they’ll get their own account to login and manage keys & sites, but will not have access to any billing details.
As always, it’s your feedback that makes all of this happen, and if you have any ideas for further improvements, let us know!